Δημοσιεύσεις σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
- Papadionysiou, E. & Myloni, B. (2023). How organizational culture and HRM practices affect organizational performance in Greece and Scandinavia. Central European Management Journal, 31(2), 218-233.
- Papadionysiou, E. & Myloni, B. (2023). Socio-Cultural Dimensions, Employee-Related Assumptions and HRM Practices - A Multivariate Model in a Cross-National Setting. Cogent Business & Management, 10 (1), https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2023.2197157
- Mantzaris, K. & Myloni, B., (2023) “Human vs Technology: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of HR Professionals’ Perceptions”,International Journal of Manpower, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-05-2020-0197.
- Mantzaris, K. & Myloni, B., (2023) “Human Resources Under Technological Transformation: What HR Professionals Believe in an International Scale", Employee Relations, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-06-2021-0244.
- Tsagkanos, A., Koumanakos, D., Pavlakis, M., (2023) “Business Activity and Business Confidence: A new volatility transmission relationship” Journal of Economic Studies. Forthcoming. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JES-01-2023-0009/full/html (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 2).
- Papagianni, E., Evgenidis, A., Tsagkanos, A., Megalooikonomou V. (2023) “Tourism demand in the Face of Geopolitical Risk: Insights from a Cross-Country Analysis”. Journal of Travel Research. Forthcoming. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00472875231206539 (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 4)
- Xidias E., Zacharia P., Nearchou A. (2023), SERobWaS: a support environment for a robot-based warehousing system. Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 126, 3905–3919. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11349-6.
- Charalambopoulos N., Xidias E., Nearchou A. (2023), Efficient ship weather routing using probabilistic roadmaps, Ocean Engineering 273, 114031, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114031.
- Aggelopoulos E., Kotsiantis S., Georgopoulos A. (2023). Bank provision reversals and income smoothing: A case study. Accepted in Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2022.107051 (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 3)
- Aggelopoulos E. Lampropoulos I. Paraschi Elen-Paraskevi (2023). An empirical analysis of evaluating the relative operational and economic efficiency of retail stores under an adverse operating environment. Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 44, no 5, pp. 2713-2741. (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 2)
- Aggelopoulos E. Lampropoulos I. (2023). The effect of organic growth and acquisitions on performance of retailing networks in an alternating external operating environment. Accepted in Benchmarking: An International Journal Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-02-2022-0087 (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 1)
- Bakertzis, E., Papadionysiou, E. & Myloni, B. (2022). The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employees’ Work Attitudes in Hospitals in Greece. Journal of Quality in Healthcare and Economics, 5(1): 000260.
- K. Gkillas, Konstantatos C., Katsiamba, P., Tsagkanos, A. (2022) “Asymmetries and volatility discontinuities in cryptocurrencies markets” European Journal of Finance. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/1351847X.2021.2015416 (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 3)
- Tsagkanos, Α., Sharma A., Ghosh B. (2022) “Green Bonds and Commodities: A new asymmetric sustainable relationship” Sustainability MDPI. 14, 6852. (SJR Q1, SCOPUS)
- K. Giatse, D. Koumanakos, Tsagkanos A. (2022) “Bankruptcy prediction in social enterprises.” Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Vol 13(2), 205-220. (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 2)
- Tsagkanos, Α. Arguropoulou D. Androulakis G. (2022) “Asymmetric Economic Effects Via the Dependence Structure of Green Bonds and Financial Stress Index” Journal of Economic Asymmetries. Forthcoming. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1703494922000251 (ABDC – B, SJR Q1, SCOPUS).
- K. Vartholomatou, K. Pendaraki, A. Tsagkanos (2022) “Corporate Bonds, Exchange rates and Memorandum: Evidence from Greece and Ireland” International Journal of Finance and Economics. Vol 27(3), 3484-3489. (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 3)
- Theofanis Papageorgiou & Panayotis G. Michaelides (2022) Abstraction in the Marxian Oeuvre: Tendencies, Laws and Dialectics, Review of Political Economy, DOI: 10.1080/09538259.2021.2018193
- Giannopoulos V., Aggelopoulos E., Georgopoulos A. (2022). Borrower-specific characteristics and loan performance: Evidence from micro and small Greek firms, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2022, vol. 13, no 1, pp. 1-31 (Chartered ABS Journal Rating: 2)
- Rebeira, T., Yoda, R., Papadimitriou, D., & A. Correia (2022). Resident attitudes toward the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: a longitudinal study on social legacy and support behaviours Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 50, 188-198. org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.02.018 (ABS 1*, Scopus)
- Loukopoulos, A., & Papadimitriou, D. (2022). Organizational growth strategies for Greek social enterprises’ social impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Enteprise Journal. 10.1108/SEJ-10-2021-0084 (ABS 1*, Scopus)
- Winand, M., Anagnostopoulos, Ch., Zeimers, G., Papadimitriou D. (2022) "Implementing corporate social responsibility through charitable foundations: The role of trustworthiness", Managing Leisure: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/23750472.2022.2096672 (ABS 1*, Scopus)
- Sotiropoulou, A., Papadimitriou D., & Ch. Tsordia (2022). The role of affective commitment and work engagement to the performance of Greek Social Entrepreneurs and the moderating effect of personal values. Journal of Social Entrepreneurs. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2022.2121746 (ABS 2*, Scopus)
- E Xidias, P Zacharia, A Nearchou, Intelligent fleet management of autonomous vehicles for city logistics, Applied Intelligence, 2022, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-022-03535-y
- Manolopoulos, D., Peitzika, E., Mamakou, X. J., & Myloni, B. (2022). Psychological and formal employment contracts, workplace attitudes and employees’ turnover intentions: Causal and boundary inferences in the hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, 289-302.
- Mitsi Dimitra, Evangelos C. Fradelos, Zafiropoulou Maria, Androulakis George, (2021) Factors Associated with Cost and Length of Stay Variations in Patients with Femur Fractures, International Journal of Biomedicine and Healthcare, DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2021.9.183-189 , Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 183-189.
- Mitsi Dimitra, Evangelos C. Fradelos, Ioanna V. Papathanasiou, Zafiropoulou Maria, Chondrokoukis Gregory, Androulakis George, (2021) The Variance of Patient Influx and Characteristics in the Emergency Healthcare Departments Before and During the Economic Crisis, International Journal of Biomedicine and Healthcare, DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2021.9.87-91, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 87-91.
- George S. Androulakis, Dimitra Ap. Georgiou and George Nikolaou,(2021) The Grid of Burnout, Engagement and Job Satisfaction:a Case Study in Greece, International Journal of Human Resource Studies, DOI: 10.5296/ijhrs.v11i4.19087, Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 24-46.
- Androulakis G.S., Georgiou D. Ap., Kiprianos P., Stamelos G., (2021)The role of the academic factor in university dropout, Journal of Education and Human Development, 10(1), DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v10n1a1,Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 50-62.
- A.Panteli, B.Boutsinas, "Improvement of similarity-diversity trade-off in recommender systems based on a facility location model", Neural Computing and Applications
- I. Gkouvitsos and I. Giannikos, “Using a MACBETH based multicriteria approach for virtual weight restrictions in each stage of a DEA multi-stage ranking process”, Oper Res Int J , https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00619-w, 2021
- Christina C. Georgi, Despina A. Karayanni (2021), “Coronavirus (Covid19) and Consuming Behavior Based on Psychological Criteria and Quality of Life Perceptions-A Quantitative Research”, International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science (IJBASS), 7/7, Center for Promoting Education and Research (CPER), USA, DOI: 10.33642/ijbass.v7n7p3
- Tzanelli, R., Koutoulas, D. (2021). Zorba the Greek’s tourism worldmaking: Gendering Cretan place identity and Greek memory through film. Tourism Critiques, Vol. 2, No. 2, 170-194. https://doi.org/10.1108/TRC-02-2021-0003
- Livas, C. (2021). The Powers and Perils of Societal Advertising. Journal of Macromarketing, 41(3): 454-470. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720978261. [2021 ABS List: 2*; 2019 ABDC List: A; CiteScore 2021 = 3,8; SJR 2020 = 0,85, Q2 (Marketing)].
- Jace, K. and Maroudas, L. (2021), “Determinants of Survival: Empirical Evidence from European Social and non-Social Enterprises”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XXIV, Nos 1-2, pp. 125-141.
- Vasilagkos T., Polychroniou P., Maroudas L. (2021), Emotional Intelligence and Mentoring Received in Hotel Organizations. In: Sakas D.P., Nasiopoulos D.K., Taratuhina Y. (Eds.), Business Intelligence and Modelling. IC-BIM 2019, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer, Cham, pp. 519-524, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57065-1_54
- Charalambopoulos N. and Nearchou A.C. (2021), Ship Routing Using Genetic Algorithms, SN Operations Research Forum, vol.2, issue 3, no. 45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-021-00093-w
- Zacharia P.T. and Nearchou A.C. (2021), "Balancing assembly lines operating with heterogeneous workers under uncertainty in task processing times", Engineering Computations, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 3853-3878. https://doi.org/10.1108/EC-09-2020-0507
- Maria Markaki and George Economakis, “International Structural Competitiveness and the Hierarchy in the World Economy: Theoretical and Empirical Research Evidence.” World Review of Political Economy, Volume 12, Number 2 (Summer), 2021, pp. 195-219, DOI:https://doi.org/10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.12.2.0195.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος, «Η Ταξική Διάκριση Εργατικής Τάξης και Δημόσιων Υπαλλήλων», Θέσεις, τ. 156, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2021, σελ. 103-145.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ταξικός Προσδιορισμός και Βασική Διαστρωμάτωση της Εργατικής Τάξης: Μια Επανεξέταση», Θέσεις, τ. 154, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2021, σελ. 115-155.
- Rationality and Business Cycle Theory in the Austrian Tradition: A Note on Methodology, Theofanis Papageorgiou & Panayotis G. Michaelides, Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 377-391, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11293-022-09741-w
- Neoliberalism and rationality: a tango for two? Theofanis Papageorgiou, Sotiris Koskoletos & Antonis Papangelopoulos, Critique, Vol. 49(3-4), pp. 359-378, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/03017605.2021.2003482
- Is political risk a driver of listed SMEs leverage? Theofanis Papageorgiou, Giorgos Savvakis & Dimitris Kenourgios, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 28(16), pp. 1382-1385, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2020.1819949
- To EMU or not to EMU: Can TFP “provoke” the capital structure puzzle of SMEs? Giorgos Savvakis, Dimitris Kenourgios & Theofanis Papageorgiou, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 26(2), pp. 2595-2611, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.1923
- Papadimitriou, D., Apostolopoulou, A., & M.L. Patrick. (2021). Product meanings and consumer behavior in sport entertainment: The case of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). European Sport Management Quarterly. doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1950795 (ABS 3*, Scopus)
- Behnam, M., Anagnostopoulos, Ch., Byers, T., & D. Papadimitriou. (2021). The Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Value-in-use through Customer Engagement in Non-Profit Sports Clubs: The Moderating Role of Co-production. European Sport Management Quarterly. doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1929375 (ABS 3*, Scopus)
- Tsordia, Ch., Apostolopoulou, A, & Papadimitriou, D. (2021). Does team identification of satellite fans influence brand-related sponsorship outcomes? What we learned from Manchester United supporters in Malaysia. Journal of Strategic Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2021.2004208 (ABS 2*, Scopus)
- Sotiropoulou, A., Papadimitriou D., & Maroudas, L., (2021). Personal values and typologies of social entrepreneurs. The case of Greece. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 12(1), 1-17 doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2019.1668827 (ABS 2*, Scopus
- Glaveli, N., Papadimitriou, D., Karagiorgos, T., & K. Alexandris.(2021). Exploring the role of fitness instructors’ interaction quality skills in building customer trust in the service provider and customer satisfaction. European Sport Management Quarterly.https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1928256 (ABS 3*, Scopus)
Behnam, M., Anagnostopoulos, Ch., Byers, T., & D. Papadimitriou. (2021). The Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Value-in-use through Customer Engagement in Non-Profit Sports Clubs: The Moderating Role of Coproduction. European Sport Management Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1929375 (ABS 3*, Scopus) - Papacharalampous, N., & Papadimitriou D. (2021). Perceived corporate social responsibility and affective commitment: The mediating role of psychological capital and the impact of employee participation. Human Resource Development Quarterly,1-22. DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21426 (ABS 2*, Impact Factor: 3.68, Scopus)
- Trivellas P., Dekoulou P., Polychroniou P. and Tokakis V. (2021), “Which Leadership roles modify employee perceptions of CSR activities? Job satisfaction implications in the case of the Tourism industry”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 13 (4), pp. 618-636.
- Gkillas, K. Konstantatos, C., Floros, C. Tsagkanos A. (2021) “Realized volatility spillovers between US stock spot and futures during ECB news: Evidence from the European sovereign Debt crisis”. International Review of Financial Analysis, 74, 101706. (ABS 3*)
- Siriopoulos, C. Tsagkanos, A., Svingou, A. Daskalopoulos, E. (2021) “Foreign Direct Investment in GCC countries: The essential influence of corporate governance and the adoption of IFRS” Journal of Risk Financial Management. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14060264. (ABDC B, scopus).
- Tsagkanos, A., Gkillas, K., Konstantatos, C., Floros, C. (2021) “Does volume drive systemic banks’ stock return volatility? Lessons from the Greek banking system.” International Journal of Financial Studies. Vol 24(9), 1-13 (ABDC B).
- Gkillas K., Konstantatos C., Tsagkanos A., Siriopoulos C. (2021) “Do economic new releases affect tail risk? Evidence from an emerging market” Finance Research Letters. Vol 40, 101727, 1-12. (ABS 2*, ABDC – A)
- Bakertzis, E. & Myloni, B. (2020), “Profession as a major drive of work engagement and its effects on job performance among healthcare employees in Greece. A comparative analysis among doctors, nurses and administrative staff”, Health Services Management Research, 0(0), 1-12.
- Floros C., Gkillas K., Konstantatos C., Tsagkanos A., (2020) “Realized measures to explain volatility changes over time” Journal of Risk Financial Management. Vol 13(6), 125-144.
- Giatse K., D. Koumanakos, Tsagkanos A. “Bankruptcy prediction in social enterprises.” Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming.
- Gkillas, K. Tsagkanos, A. Svingou, A., Siriopoulos, C. (2020) “Uncertainty in euro area and the bond spreads” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol 537, 1-7.
- Gkillas K., Konstantatos C., Tsagkanos A., Siriopoulos C. “Do economic new releases affect tail risk? Evidence from an emerging market” Finance Research Letters. Forthcoming.
- Gkillas K. , Konstantatos C., Tsagkanos A., and D. Vortelinos (2020) “International announcements and WTI crude oil futures: A case study of the 2008 global financial crisis” Journal of Energy Markets. Vol.13(2) 1-38.
- Konstantakis, K.N., Michaelides, P.G., Papageorgiou, T., Daglis, T. "Modelling sectoral spillovers in the USA (1992–2015): A GVAR approach" Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 561-595.
- Livas, C. (2020). The Powers and Perils of Societal Advertising. Journal of Macromarketing. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720978261.
- Magerakis E. , K. Gkillas, A. Tsagkanos and C. Siriopoulos (2020) “Firm size does matter: New evidence on the determinants of cash holdings”. Journal of Risk Financial Management. Vol 13(8), 163-196.
Nearchou A.C., Giannikos I.C., and Lagodimos A.G., "Multi-site and multi-shift personnel planning with setup costs", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics,, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 5–31, 2020.
- Papadimitriou, D., Apostolopoulou, A., Branvold S., & D. Gargalianos (2020). Product meanings as drivers of sport consumer behavior: evidence from the Greek Sport industry. International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship.
https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-01-2020-0012 (ABS 1*, Scopus) - Papageorgiou T., Michaelides, P.G., Bögenhold, D. "Bourdieu and Veblen on Institutions and the Formation of Habits" Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 710-731.
- Papageorgiou, T., Savvakis, G., Kenourgios, D. "Is political risk a driver of listed SMEs leverage?" Applied Economics Letters DOI 10.1080/13504851.2020.1819949, 2020.
- Savvakis, G.A., Kenourgios, D., Papageorgiou, T. "To EMU or not to EMU: Can TFP “provoke” the capital structure puzzle of SMEs?" International Journal of Finance and Economics DOI 10.1002/ijfe.1923.
- The Capital structure dynamics of European listed SMEs Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Vol. 32, Mo. 6, pp. 567-584. (Kenourgios D., Savvakis G., Papageorgiou T.).
- Vartholomatou K. , K. Pendaraki, A. Tsagkanos “Corporate Bonds, Exchange rates and Memorandum: Evidence from Greece and Ireland” International Journal of Finance and Economics. Forthcoming.
- Vartholomatou K. , K. Pendaraki, A. Tsagkanos “Corporate Bonds, Exchange Rate and Business Strategy” International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance. Forthcoming.
Zacharia P. Th. and Nearchou A.C. (2020) "The Fuzzy Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem, Cybernetics and Systems", DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2020.1840144.
- Bakertzis, E. & Myloni, B. (2019), What’s the mediating role of Job Burnout in the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in the Healthcare sector? The International Journal of Business and Management, 7, Issue 2, pp:29-36.
- Christina D. Nikolakakou, Athanasia N. Papanikolaou, Eirini I. Nikolopoulou, Theodoula N. Grapsa, George S. Androulakis, Guiding iterative optimization methods to a predefined kind of optima for unconstrained optimization problems, Int. J. of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, to appear.
- Dimitris Groumpos and George Economakis, “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the EU: the case of the Czech Republic and Greece”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. XXII – 2019, No 2, pp. 31-63.
- George Economakis and John Milios, “The working class and the middle classes in the Greek economic crisis: Structural and conjunctural determinations”, International Critical Thought, 9:2, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/21598282.2019.1613164, pp. 177-193.
- Giannoukou, I. and Maroudas, L. (2019), “Deluxe Hotels in Greece: Measuring the Performance of Sustainability Operation Strategy”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XXII, No 1, pp. 41-59.
- Giatse K. , A. Tsagkanos, E. Koumanakos (2019) “Asymmetric effects on the development of social enterprises. Factors and effects” World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. Vol 15(5), 575-588.
- Gkillas K., Vortelinos D., C. Floros, Tsagkanos A., (2019) “Economic news releases and financial markets in South Africa” Economies MDPI. Vol 7(4), 112-125.
- Gkillas K., Tsagkanos A., Vortelinos D. (2019) “Integration, contagion and risk contagion in financial crises: Evidence from international stock markets” Journal of Business Research. Vol 104, 350-365.
- Jace K. , A. Tsagkanos, K. Pendaraki, (2019) “Financial performance of social and commercial enterprises: empirical evidence from Europe” International Journal of Management. Vol 8(2), 23-31.
- Katsonis, Ν., Sfakianakis, Μ., Myloni Β. & Theoharis, D. (2019), “E-marketing and BPA coordination on Business Strategy”, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Vol. 13, Issue 2.
- Livas, C., Katsanakis, I. & Vayia, E. (2019). Perceived Impact of BYOD Initiatives on Post-secondary Students' Learning, Behaviour and Wellbeing: The Perspective of Educators in Greece. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1): 489-508.
- Nikolopoulou, E.I., Manoussakis, G.E. and Androulakis, G.S. (2019) Locating Binding Constraints in LP Problems. American Journal of Operations Research, 9, 59-78.
- Nikolopoulou, Eirini I., Manoussakis, George E. and Androulakis, George S. (2019), Single Machine Scheduling against Restrictive Common Due Dates by Binding Constraints Approach. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJISSET), 5 (9), 66-71.
- Papageorgiou T. Michaelides, P.G., Konstantakis, K., Dokas I., Christopoulos A. "Business Cycles in Greek Maritime Transport: A Quantitative Exploration (1998-2015)" Operational Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1059-1079 .
- Sotiropoulou, A., Papadimitriou, D. and Maroudas, L. (2019), “Personal Values and Typologies of Social Entrepreneurs. The Case of Greece”, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2019.1668827.
- Tsagkanos A. , G. Golfis and K. Pendaraki (2019) “Banking and Financial Destabilization” International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives. Vol 7(2), 191-202.
- Tsagkanos G. A., C. Siriopoulos and K. Vartholomatou (2019) “FDI and Stock Market Development: Evidence from a ‘new’ emerging market.” Journal of Economic Studies. Vol 46(1), 55-70.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ζητήματα οικονομισμού: η 6η Ολομέλεια του 1934 και σύγχρονες θέσεις του ΚΚΕ για τον ελληνικό καπιταλισμό και τη στρατηγική», υπό δημοσίευση, Τετράδια Μαρξισμού, τ. 9, άνοιξη 2019, σελ. 105-130.
- Aggelopoulos E. (2018). Branch manager characteristics and efficiency during capital controls. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2018, vol. 9, no 1, pp. 44-60
- Apostolopoulou A., &, Papadimitriou D., (2018). Examining the meanings and consumption of sport licensed products through team identification. Journal of Brand Management, 1-13. 25(6), 536-548
- Delgrande J. , P. Peppas, and S. Woltran, “General Belief Revision”, Journal of the ACM, vol 65(5), pp 14-36, 2018 .
- Despoteris, G. & Myloni, B. (2018) “Motivation and Job satisfaction: The case of call centres in Greece”, International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, Vol. 8, Issue 1-2.
- Economakis George , George Androulakis and Maria Markaki, “The Marxian ‘Law’ and the current Greek economic crisis”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. XXI – 2018, Nos1-2, pp. 91-117.
- Giannopoulos N. and Nearchou A.C., "Bi-criteria scheduling against restrictive common due dates using a multi-objective differential evolution algorithm", IMA Journal Management Mathematics 29/1, 119–136, 2018.
- Gkillas K. , Konstantatos C., Tsagkanos A., and D. Vortelinos “International announcements and WTI crude oil futures: A case study of the 2008 global financial crisis” Journal of Energy Markets. Forthcoming.
- Gkillas K., Tsagkanos A., Vortelinos D. (2019) “Integration, contagion and risk contagion in financial crises: Evidence from international stock markets” Journal of Business Research. Vol 104, 350-365.
- Katsonis, Ν., Sfakianakis, Μ. & Myloni Β. (2018) “Strategic development and business process automation networks in Greek tele-companies”, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 11, No 1, pp: 40-52.
- Nearchou A.C. "Multicriteria scheduling optimization using an elitist multiobjective population heuristic: the h-NSDE algorithm", Journal of Heuristics, December 2018, Volume 24, Issue 6, pp 817–851.
- Nearchou, I. Giannikos and A. Lagodimos, “Multi-site and multi-shift personnel planning with setup costs”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1093/imaman/dpy017
- Polychroniou P. and Trivellas P. (2018), “The impact of Strong and Balanced Organizational Cultures on Firm Performance: Assessing Moderated Effects”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 10 (1), pp. 16-35.
- Tokakis V., Polychroniou P. and Boustras G. (2018), “Managing Conflict in Public Sector during crisis: The impact on Crisis Management Team Effectiveness”, International Journal of Emergency Management, 14 (2), pp. 152-166.
- Tsagkanos A. , G. Golfis and K. Pendaraki “Banking and Financial Destabilization” International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives. Forthcoming.
- Tsordia, Ch., Papadimitriou, D., Apostolopoulou, A. (2018). Building a sponsor’s equity through brand personality: Perceptions of fans and rivals, Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/ΣΒΜ-09-2017-0050
- Vartholomatou K. , K. Pendaraki, A. Tsagkanos “Corporate Bonds, Exchange Rate and Business Strategy” International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance. Forthcoming.
- Vlachou A., Stavroussi, P., Roka, O., Vasilou, E., Papadimitriou D., Scaratti, C., Kadyrbaeva, A., Fheodoroff, V.V., Svestkova O., Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B., Finnvold, J,, Gruber, S., & Leonardi, M. (2018). Policy guidelines for effective inclusion and reintegration of people with chronic diseases in the workplace: National and European Perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1-19.
- Zhou, R., Kaplanidou, K., D. Papadimitriou, Theodorakis, N., & Alexandris, K., (2018). Understanding the inspiration among active participatns in sport events. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 9(3): 332-348,
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ο καπιταλιστής ως εργαζόμενος επιχειρηματίας στον 3ο Τόμο του Κεφαλαίου», Θέσεις, τ. 144, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2018, σελ. 59-67.
- Ζησιμόπουλος Γιάννης και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ο αντίκτυπος της οικονομικής κρίσης στο ελληνικό σύστημα συλλογικών διαπραγματεύσεων», Θέσεις, τ. 144, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2018, σελ. 113-146.
- Aggelopoulos E. (2017). Performance changes over difficult times for the banking sector: a branch level study. Advances in Management Accounting, 2017, vol. 29, pp. 183 - 218 (https://doi.org/10.1108/S1474-787120170000029006)
- Aggelopoulos E. (2017). Understanding Bank Valuation: An application of the Equity Cash Flow and the Residual Income approach in bank financial accounting statements. Open Journal of Accounting, 2017, Vol. 6, no 1, pp 1-10 (available at:http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojacct.2017.61001: and https://ssrn.com/abstract=2880766)
- Aggelopoulos E., and Georgopoulos A. (2017), Bank branch efficiency under environmental change: a bootstrap DEA on monthly Profit and Loss accounting statements of Greek retail branches, European Journal of Operational Research. 261, 1170-1188.
- Aggelopoulos E., Georgopoulos A. (2017). Bank branch efficiency under environmental change: a bootstrap DEA on monthly Profit and Loss accounting statements of Greek retail branches, European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 261, no. 3, pp. 1170 – 1188 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.03.009)
- Aggelopoulos, E. (2017). What Explains Changes in Accounting Divisional Performance Under Liquidity Shortage Conditions? Evidence from the Greek Banking. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2017, vol. 16(1), pp. 89-106 (available at: http://www.cig.ase.ro/articles/16_1_4.pdf)
- Alexandris, K., Theodorakis, N., Kaplanidou, K., & D. Papadimitriou (2017). Event quality and loyalty among runners with different running involvement levels: the case of “The Alexander the Great” Intranational Marathon. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEFM-08-2016-0057
- Anagnostopoulos Ch., &, Papadimitriou D., (2017). Positive organizational scholarship and behavior in sport management (editorial). International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(1/2), 1-6.
- Evgenidis A. and A. Tsagkanos (2017) “Asymmetric effects on the international transmission of US financial stress. A Threshold VAR approach”. International Review of Financial Analysis. Vol 51, 69-81.
- Evgenidis A. , A. Tsagkanos and C. Siriopoulos (2017) “Towards an asymmetric long-run equilibrium between economic uncertainty and the yield spread. A Multi-economy view”. Research in International Business and Finance. Vol 39, 267-279.
- Georgopoulos A., and Glaister K. (2017), Firm Heterogeneity and Performance in a Turbulent Economic Environment: Evidence from Greece, European Management Review,10.1111/emre.121.41.
- Georgantzinos S. and I. Giannikos, “A modeling framework for incorporating DEA efficiency into set covering, packing and partitioning formulations”, International Transactions in Operational Research, DOI: 10.1111/itor.12409, 2017.
- Giatse K. , A. Tsagkanos, E. Koumanakos “Asymmetric effects on the development of social enterprises. Factors and effects” World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development forthcoming
- Maroudas, L. et Rizopoulos, Y. (2017), « Coopératives de production : Agglomération et gouvernance élargie versus dégénérescence ? », Entreprise & Société, Vol 1, N° 2, pp. 103-126.
- Nearchou A.C. and Omirou S., "Assembly Line Balancing Using Differential Evolution Models", Cybernetics and Systems, 48/5, 436-458, 2017.
- Papadimitriou D., & Alexandris, K., (2017). ‘Adopt an athlete for Rio 2016’: the impact of austerity on the Greek elite sport system. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2017.1416487
- Parganas, P., Papadimitriou D., Anagnostopoulos Ch., & A. Theodoropoulos. (2017). Linking sport team sponsorship to perceived switching cost and switching intenations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(4), 457-484
- Rafailidis A., Trivellas P. and Polychroniou P. (2017), “The mediating role of quality on the relationship between cultural ambidexterity and innovation performance”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28 (9-10), pp. 1134-1148.
- Tsagkanos A. , A. Evgenidis and K. Vartholomatou (2018) “Financial and Monetary Stability across Euro-zone and BRICS: An Exogenous Threshold VAR Approach” Research in International Business and Finance. Vol 44, 386-393.
- Tsagkanos G. A. (2018) “Minimization of Bias of Pearson Correlation Coefficient in presence of coincidental outliers” International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics. Vol 8(1), 121-128.
- Tsagkanos G. A., C. Siriopoulos and K. Vartholomatou “FDI and Stock Market Development: Evidence from a ‘new’ emerging market.” Journal of Economic Studies. Forthcoming.
- Tsene, C. "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN GREEK LISTED COMPANIES", 2017, Corporate Board:role , duties and composistion , 13(2), 38-45
- Tsordia, Ch., Papadimitriou, D., Parganas, P. (2017). The influence of sport sponsorship on brand equity and purchase behavior, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(1), 85-105
- Vortelinos D., Koulakiotis A. and A. Tsagkanos (2017) “Intraday analysis of macroeconomic news surprises and asymmetries in mini-futures markets” Research in International Business and Finance. Vol 39, 150-168.
- Οικονομάκης Γιώργος , «Το ερώτημα της ιμπεριαλιστικής εκμετάλλευσης: Από το ‘νόμο’ του Μαρξ στο Κεφάλαιο στην ‘άνιση ανταλλαγή’ του Αργύρη Εμμανουήλ», Τετράδια Μαρξισμού, τ. 5, χειμώνας 2017-18, σελ. 191-210.
- Aggelopoulos E., Eriotis N., Georgopoulos A., and Tsamis A. (2016), R&D activity and operating performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): The case of a small open economy, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 8(4), 40-50.
- Anagnostopoulos, Ch., Winard, M., & Papadimitriou, D. (2016). Passion in the workplace : Empirical insights from team sport organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(4), 385-412. (ABS 3*).
- Daskalopoulos E. , A. Evgenidis, A. Tsagkanos, and C. Siriopoulos (2016) “Assessing Variations in Foreign Direct Investments under IFRS adoption, macro-socioeconomic developments and credit ratings”. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Vol 13(3), 36-48.
- Economakis George , “Surplus Value Rate and Profit Rate: A Note”, Critique, Vol. 44, Num. 4, December 2016, DOI: 10.1080/03017605.2016.1236494, pp. 495-504.
- Economakis George and Geoge Papalexiou,“Environmental Degradation and Crisis: A Marxist Approach”, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 27:1, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2015.1104708, pp. 34-51.
- Economakis George , Valeriu Frunzaru and Ioannis Zisimopoulos, “ The economic crisis and industrial relations: Greece and Romania in comparison”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. XIX - 2016, No 1, pp. 51-77.
- Giannakitsidou O. , A. Tsagkanos and I. Giannikos (2016) “Correlation of Municipal Solid Waste Production and Treatment with Socioeconomic Indexes”. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. Vol 18(4), 303-316.
- Gkillas K. , A. Tsagkanos and C. Siriopoulos (2016) “The risk of capital controls” Finance Research Letters. Vol 19, 261-266.
- Markaki Maria and George Economakis, “The ‘key-sectors’ of the Greek economy and the question of ‘productive restructuring’”, Bulletin of Political Economy, 10:2 (2016), pp. 119-135.
- On a new edge function on complete weighted graphs and its application for locating Hamiltonian cycles of small weight. Optimization Letters 10(6): 1203-1220 (2016)
- Panayotis E. Nastou, Vasilis Papadinas, Panos M. Pardalos, Yannis C. Stamatiou:
- Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A., & Kaplanidou, K., (2016). Participant-based brand image perceptions of international sport events: The case of the Universiade. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 17(1), 1-20. (ABS 1*)
- Papadimitriou, D., Kaplanidou, K., & Papacharalabous, N., (2016). Sport event-sponsor fit and its effects on sponsor purchase intentions : A Non-consumer perspective among athletes, volunteers and spectators. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31(2), 247-259. (ABS 2*).
- Papageorgiou T., Koskoletos S., Roussopoulos I. "The changing geography of debt and IMF’s involvement": from global to European south, World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 451-473, 2016.
- Papageorgiou T., Michaelides, P.G., Tsionas E. G. "Business cycle determinants and fiscal policy: A Panel ARDL approach for EMU", Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Vol. 13, pp. 57-68, 2016.
- Polychroniou P., Trivellas P. and Baxevanis A. (2016), “Conflict Management Research and Cross-Functional Relationships: An Integrative Review and Synthesis”, International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 3 (2), pp. 41-53.
- Reis M. D. , E. Ferme, and P. Peppas, "Construction of System of Spheres-based Transitively Relational Partial Meet Multiple Contractions: An impossibility Result", Artificial Intelligence vol 233, pp 122-141, 2016.
- Schumpeter Joseph and Thorstein Veblen on technological determinism, individualism and Institutions, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-30, 2016 (Papageorgiou T., Michaelides, P.G.).
- Tokakis V., Polychroniou P. and Boustras G. (2016), "Managing Conflict in Public Sector during crisis: The impact on Crisis Management Team Effectiveness", International Journal of Emergency Management (published online).
- Tsagkanos G. A. (2016) “Stock Market Development and Income Inequality” Journal of Economic Studies. Vol 44(1), 87 – 98.
- Xidias E., Zacharia P. and Nearchou A. “Path Planning and scheduling for a fleet of autonomous vehicles”, Robotica, 34/10, 2257-2273, 2016.
- Zacharia P. and Nearchou A.C., "A population-based algorithm for the bi-objective assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 49, 1–9, 2016.
- Μαρκάκη Μαρία και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Η κλαδική διάρθρωση της ελληνικής οικονομίας και το ερώτημα της ‘παραγωγικής ανασυγκρότησης’: Μια ανάλυση με τη μέθοδο εισροών-εκροών», Ουτοπία, τ. 113, Ιανουάριος - Φεβρουάριος 2016, σελ. 81-99.
- Οικονομάκης Γιώργος και Μαρία Μαρκάκη, «Το ερώτημα του χαρακτήρα της παρούσας κρίσης της ελληνικής οικονομίας: Μια διερεύνηση», Τετράδια Μαρξισμού, τ. 1, καλοκαίρι 2016, σελ. 161-186.
- Οικονομάκης Γιώργος , Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος, Δημήτρης Κατσορίδας, Γιώργος Κολλιάς και Γιώργος Κρητικίδης, «Κοινωνικές τάξεις: θεωρία και εμπειρική διερεύνηση στην ελληνική κοινωνία», Μέρος Δεύτερο: «Εμπειρική Διερεύνηση», Θέσεις, τ. 136, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2016, σελ. 69-109.
- Οικονομάκης Γιώργος , Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος, Δημήτρης Κατσορίδας, Γιώργος Κολλιάς και Γιώργος Κρητικίδης, «Κοινωνικές τάξεις: θεωρία και εμπειρική διερεύνηση στην ελληνική κοινωνία», Μέρος Πρώτο: «Θεωρητικό Πλαίσιο», Θέσεις, τ. 135, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2016, σελ. 105-142.
- Aggelopoulos E. and Georgopoulos A. (2015), The Determinants of Shareholder Value in Retail Banking During Crisis Years: The Case of Greece, Multinational Finance Journal, 19(2), 109-147.
- Avgerou A.D. and Y.C. Stamatiou. Privacy Awareness Diffusion in Social Networks. IEEE Security & Privacy Journal, vol.13, no. 6, pp. 44-50, Nov.-Dec. 2015. Also posted at http://stc-social-networking.ieee.net/featured-articles, at the site of the Special Technical Community (STC) on Social Networking, as a featured article for December 2015, selected by the editorial board as “interesting and promising” (as stated at the site) article.
- Delgrande J. and P. Peppas”, “Belief Revision in Horn Theories”, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 218, pp 1-22, 2015.
- Economakis George , Maria Markaki and Alexios Anastasiadis “Structural Analysis of the Greek Economy”. Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 47(3), 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0486613414542779, pp. 424-445.
- Karayanni, D. A. (2015). A model of interorganizational networking antecedents, consequences and business performance. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 22(4), 293-312.
- Konstantakis, K., Papageorgiou T., Michaelides, P.G., Tsionas E. G. "Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy in Europe: A Political Business Cycles Approach Using Panel Data and Clustering (1996–2013)", Open Economies Review, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 971-998, 2015 .
- Magerakis E. , C. Siriopoulos and A. Tsagkanos (2015) “Cash Holdings and Firm Characteristics: Evidence from UK Market”. Journal of Risk and Control. Vol. 2(1), 19-43.
- Nearchou A. , I. Giannikos and A. Lagodimos, “Efficient greedy algorithms for economic manpower shift planning”, Engineering Optimization, 47:1, 2015, 36-54
- Nearchou A.C., Giannikos I.C., and Lagodimos A.G., “Efficient greedy algorithms for economic manpower shift planning”, Engineering Optimization, 47/1, 36-54, 2015. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 1,161.
- P. Peppas, M.-A. Williams, S. Chopra, and N. Foo, “Relevance in Belief Revision”, Artificial Intelligence vol 229, pp 126-138, 2015.
- Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A., (2015). Capturing the meanings of sport licensed products. Journal of Marketing Communications. DOI:10.1080/13527266.2015.1065900
- Papadimitriou, D., Kaplanidou, K., & Apostolopoulou, A., (2015). Destination image components and word-of-mouth intentions in urban tourism : A multigroup approach. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1177/1109634801554443.
- Polychroniou P., Trivellas P. and Baxevanis A. (2016) “Conflict Management Research and Cross-Functional Relationships: An Integrative Review and Synthesis”,International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, Vol. 3, No. 2, p.p. 41-53.
- Reis M. , P. Peppas, and E. Ferme, “Two Axiomatic Characterizations for the System of Spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) Multiple Contractions”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, April 2015.
- Tokakis V.,Polychroniou P. and Boustras G.(2016) "Managing Conflict in Public Sector during crisis: The impact on Crisis Management Team Effectiveness", International Journal of Emergency Management (υπό δημοσίευση).
- Tsagkanos G.A. and C. Siriopoulos (2015) “Stock Markets and Industrial Production in North and South of Euro-zone: Asymmetric effects via Threshold Cointegration Approach” Journal of Economic Asymmetries. Vol 12, 162-172.
- Tsordia, Ch., & Papadimitriou, D., (2015). The role of theory of planned behavior on enterpreneurial intention of Greek business students. International Journal of Synergy and Research, 4(1), 23-38.
- Xidias E., Zacharia P. and Nearchou A.C., “Path Planning and scheduling for a fleet of autonomous vehicles”, Robotica, DOI: 10.1017/S0263574714002872, Published online: 29 April 2015. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 1,144.
- Μαρούδας, Λ., Ριζόπουλος, Γ. (2015), «Παράγοντες ανάσχεσης της τάσης εκφυλισμού των εργατικών συνεταιρισμών», Θέσεις, Νο 130, σελ. 57-81.
- A. Nearchou, I. Giannikos and A. Lagodimos, “A genetic algorithm for the Economic Manpower Shift Planning problem, Cybernetics and Systems, 2014, 45:5, 439-464.
- A. Nearchou, I. Giannikos and A. Lagodimos, “Efficient greedy algorithms for economic manpower shift planning”, Engineering Optimization, Available online 9 January 2014, doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2013.868451
- A. Panteli, B. Boutsinas and I. Giannikos, “On set covering based on biclustering”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 13, 2014, 1029-1049, 2014
- Anteope Panteli, Basilis Boutsinas, Ioannis Giannikos, “On set covering based on biclustering”, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 13(5), pp. 1029-1049, 2014, DOI:10.1142/S0219622014500692, (IF=1890)
- Apostolopoulou, A., Papadimitriou, D., (2014). The role of destination personality in predincting tourist behaviour : implications for branding mid-sized urban destinations. Current Issues in Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2013.878319.
- Bozionelos N., Bozionelos G., Polychroniou P. and Kostopoulos K. (2014) “Mentoring Receipt and Personality: Evidence for Non-Linear Relationships”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, No. 2, p.p. 171-181.
- Cardona, P., Reiche, S. B., Lee, Y., Myloni, B. & 20 co-authors (2014) “The Moderating Role of Collectivism in Manager-Subordinate Trust Building: A Multi-Level, Cross-Cultural Study”, Personnel Psychology, Vol. 67, pp: 61-98.
- George Economakis, Maria Markaki and George Androulakis – forthcoming 2014, “Extraversion and crisis of the Greek economy: a study”, Bulletin of Political Economy, 8, 2, December 2014.
- Georgopoulos A., Lalountas D. and I. Salavrakos (2014). “Foreign vs. domestic survival in a changing environment”, InternationalJournal of the Economics of Business, 21(2), 209-229.
- Is the Greek crisis in the EMU contagious? Applied Economics Letters Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 13-18, 2014 (Michaelides, P. G., Papageorgiou T., Tsionas E. G.).
- Jannis Milios, Georg Economakis, “Mittelklassen, Klassenstellung und politische Klassenpositionen”, Prokla 176 / Nr. 3 September 2014, pp. 403-423.
- Maroudas, L., Rizopoulos, Y. (2014), “La question de la dégénérescence dans les coopératives de production”, Recma : Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, No 334, pp. 70-84.
- N. Pettas and I. Giannikos, “Evaluating the delivery performance of public spending programs from an efficiency perspective”, Evaluation and Program Planning, 2014; 45:140-50
- Nearchou A.C., Giannikos I.C. and Lagodimos A.G., "A genetic algroithm for the economic manpower shift planning problem", Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 45:5, 439-464, 2014. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 0,814,
- Papadimitriou, D., Apostolopoulou, A., Kaplanidou K, (2014). Destination personality, affective image, and behavioral intentions. Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 10.1177/0047287513516389.
- Sector size, technical change and stability in the USA (1957-2006): A Schumpeterian approach, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 956-974, 2014 (Konstantakis, K., Michaelides, P.G., Papageorgiou T.).
- Tsagkanos G. A. And P. Zachouris (2014) “The Halloween Effect: An alternative approach and new evidence from the US market.” American Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol 3, 152-171.
- V. Makri, A. G. Tsagkanos and A. Bellas (2014) “Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: The case of Eurozone” Panοeconomicus Vol 2, 193-206.
- Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος, Γιώργος Καρολίδης, Γιώργος Ανδρουλάκης και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Όψεις της συνδικαλιστικής εκπροσώπησης την περίοδο της κρίσης», Θέσεις, τ. 127, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2014, σελ. 15-40.
- Κ. Giannopoulos, B. Boutsinas, “Tourism Satellite Account Support Using Olap”, Journal of Travel Research, June 19, pp. 1-18, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0047287514538836, (IF=1884).
- “A long-run relationship between stock price index and exchange rate: A structural nonparametric cointegrating regression approach”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 25, pp. 106-118, 2013 (A. Tsagkanos and C. Siriopoulos).
- “A tangent linear approach in technical trading strategy: The use of convexity path in stock market indices”, Operations Research - An International Journal, 13(2), pp 303-316, 2013 (Philippas, D., and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Dynamic relations of uncertainty expectations: a conditional assessment of implied volatility indices”, Review of Derivatives Research, 16, pp.233-266, 2013. (C.Siriopoulos and A. Fassas).
- “European markets’ reaction to exogenous shocks: A high frequency data analysis of the 2005 London bombings”, International Journal of Financial Studies, 1, pp. 154-167, 2013 (Kollias, Ch., S.Papadamou and C. Siriopoulos).
- “How bureaucracy and corruption affect economic growth and convergence in the European Union? The case of Greece”, Managerial Finance, 39(9), pp.837-847, 2013. (G. Papakonstantinou, A. Tsagkanos and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Money factors and EMU government bond markets’ convergence”, Studies in Economics and Finance, forthcoming 2013 (D. Philippas and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Nonlinear dynamics in Economics and Finance and Unit Root testing”, The European Journal of Finance, 19(6), pp.572-588, 2013. (E. Pavlidis, I. Paya, D. Peel and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Putting the "C" into crisis: Contagion, Correlations and Copulas on EMU bond markets”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 27, pp. 161-176, 2013 (D. Philippas and C. Siriopoulos).
- Bozionelos N., Bozionelos G., Polychroniou P. and Kostopoulos K. (2014) “Mentoring Receipt and Personality: Evidence for Non-Linear Relationships”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, No. 2, p.p. 171-181.
- Business cycles and economic crisis in Greece (1960–2011): A long run equilibrium analysis in the Eurozone, Economic Modelling Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 804-816, 2013 (Michaelides, P. G., Papageorgiou T., Vouldis A. T.).
- C. Manolopoulos, D. Sofotassios, P. Spirakis, and Y.C. Stamatiou. A Framework for Protecting Voters’ Privacy in Electronic Voting Procedures. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 1-33, 2013.
- Financial Sector and Business Cycles Determinants in the EMU: An Empirical Approach (1996-2011), European Research Studies, Vol. XVI, No. 2, pp.: 34-58. (Solomos D., Papageorgiou T., Koumparoulis D.)
- Nearchou A.C. and Lagodimos A.G., “Heuristic Solutions for the Economic Manpower Shift Planning Problem”, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 7/6. 657-686, 2013. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 1,390
- Nearchou A.C. and Omirou S, “A particle swarm optimization algorithm for scheduling against restrictive common due dates”, Int. Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 6/4, 684-699, 2013. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 0,310
- Nikolaidis, E., Maroudas, L. (2013), “Institutional Changes and the Expansion of Flexible Forms of Employment in Higher education: the Case of Greek Universities”, The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, Vol. 11, No 3, pp. 127-145.
- P. Mitropoulos, I. Mitropoulos and I.Giannikos, “Combining DEA with location analysis for the effective consolidation of services in the health sector”, Computers and Operations Research, 40:9, 2241-2250, 2013
- P.E. Nastou, P. Spirakis, Y.C. Stamatiou and A. Tsiakalos. On the Derivation of a Closed-Form Expression for the Solutions of Generalized Abel Differential Equations. International Journal of Differential Equations, Hindawi Press, Volume 2013, June 2013.
- Papaconstantinou P., Tsagkanos G. A. and C. Siriopoulos (2013) “How Corruption and Bureaucracy affect economic growth and convergence in the European Union? The case of Greece.” Managerial Finance. Vol 39 (9), 1-15.
- Papadimitriou, D., (2013). Service quality components as antecedents of satisfaction and behavioral intentions: The case of a Greek carnival festival. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 14(1): 42-64.
- Power J., Brotheridge C., Blenkinsopp J., Bowes-Sperry L., Bozionelos N., Buzády Z., Chuang A., Drnevich D., Garzon Vico A., Jordan C., Madero S., Mak W.-M., Mathew R., Ines Monserrat S., Mujtaba B., Olivas-Lujan M., Polychroniou P., Sprigg C., Axtell C., Holman D., Ruiz-Gutiérrez J. and Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedumm, (2013) “Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 66, No. 3, p.p. 374-380.
- Schumpeter Commons and Veblen on institutions, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 1232-1254, 2013 (Papageorgiou T. Katselidis I., Michaelides P. G.).
- Tsagkanos G. A. and C. Siriopoulos (2013) “A long run relationship between stock price index and exchange rate: A structural nonparametric cointegrating regression approach.” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Vol. 25, 106 – 118.
- Zacharia P. and Nearchou A.C., “A meta-heuristic algorithm for the fuzzy assembly line balancing type-E problem”, Computers & Operations Research, 40/12, 3033–3044, 2013. ISI 5-year Impact factor περιοδικού 2,374
- Ανδρουλάκης, Γ., Λαπαναΐτη, Α., Μαρούδας, Λ., Οικονομάκης, Γ. (2013), «Ο Βαθμός Αποδοχής του Επιχειρηματικού Μοντέλου Διοίκησης στην Ελληνική Ανώτατη Εκπαίδευση», Ουτοπία, Νο 104, σελ. 161-183.
- Γεώργιος Ανδρουλάκης, Άννα Λαπαναΐτη, Λεωνίδας Μαρούδας και Γεώργιος Οικονομάκης, «Ο Βαθμός Αποδοχής του Επιχειρηματικού Μοντέλου Διοίκησης στην Ελληνική Ανώτατη Εκπαίδευση», Ουτοπία, τ. 104, Σεπτέμβριος - Οκτώβριος 2013, σελ. 161-183.
- Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Εργασιακές σχέσεις στην Ελλάδα: Ο αντίκτυπος της αναδιάρθρωσης του δημόσιου τομέα», Θέσεις, τ. 122, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2013, σελ. 13-36.
- Μαρία Μαρκάκη και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, (2013), «Από τον Οικονομικό Πίνακα του Κεναί στα Αναπαραγωγικά Σχήματα του Μαρξ», Θέσεις, τεύχος 124, Ιούλιος – Σεπτέμβριος, σελ. 109-123.
- “An investor sentiment barometer: Greek implied volatility index (GRIV)”, Global Finance Journal, 23(2), pp.77-93, 2012. (A. Fassas and C. Siriopoulos).
- “An Option Valuation Approach to Gauge Trading Suspension's Economic Drivers and Impact on Listed Firms”, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, 5, pp. 69-96, 2012. (K. Konstantaras and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Banks' Lending Behavior and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Sweden”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 38(2), pp.131-148, 2012. (S. Papadamou, and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Dynamic relations of uncertainty expectations: a conditional assessment of implied volatility indices”, Review of Derivatives Research, Dec. 2012. (C.Siriopoulos and A. Fassas).
- “Euro adoption and the quality of accounting information”, Managerial Auditing Journal, 27(3), pp. 299-328, 2012 (P. Dimitropoulos, D. Asteriou and C. Siriopoulos).
- “Is the progress of financial innovations a continuous spiral process?”, Investment Management Financial Innovations, 9(1), pp. 20-31, 2012. (D.Philippas, C.Siriopoulos).
- “Prediction of Greek takeover targets via bootstrapping on mixed logit model”, Review of Accounting and Finance, 11(3), pp. 315-334, 2012. (A. Tsagkanos, E. Koumanakos, A. Georgopoulos, C. Siriopoulos).
- “The efficiency of VIX futures market: A panel data approach”, The Journal of Alternative Investments, 14(3), pp. 55-66, winter 2012, pp. 1-11. (A. Fassas A. and C. Siriopoulos).
- Apostolopoulou, A., Papadimitriou, D., Synowka, D., & Clark, J.S. (2012). Consumption and meanings of team licensed merchandise. International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 12, 93-110.
- Dimitropoulos P. and A. G. Tsagkanos (2012) “Financial Performance and Corporate Governance in the European Football Industry” International Journal of Sport Finance. Issue 7.4.
- Giannopoulos N, Moulianitis V., and Nearchou A.C., “Multi-objective optimization with fuzzy measures and its application to flow-shop scheduling”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25/7, 1381-1394, 2012.
- Karayanni D. & Georgi C. (2012), "Segmenting generic medicines’ market, using physicians’ attitudes and generic companies’ prescription span as grouping criteria", Journal of Medical Marketing, Apr, Vol. 12 Issue 2, 104-120.
- Nearchou A.C., “A hybrid meta-heuristic for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem”, Cybernetics and Systems, 43/8, 651-668, 2012.
- On the transmission of economic fluctuations from the USA to EU-15 (1960–2011), Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 427-438, 2012 (Michaelides P. G., Papageorgiou T.).
- P. Mitropoulos, I. Mitropoulos and I.Giannikos, “Combining DEA with location analysis for the effective consolidation of services in the health sector”, Computers and Operations Research, Available online 25 January 2012, ISSN 0305-0548, 10.1016/j.cor.2012.01.008
- P. Nastou, Y.C. Stamatiou, and A. Tsiakalos. Solving a Class of ODEs Arising in the Analysis of a Computer Security Process using Generalized Hyper-Lambert Functions. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 4 No. 3, pp 67-76, 2012.
- P. Peppas, "Comparative Possibility in Set Contraction", Journal of Philisophical Logic, vol. 41(1), pp. 53-75, 2012.
- P. Peppas, C. Koutras, and M.-A. Williams, "Maps in Multiple Belief Change", ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, vol. 13(4), 2012.
- Tsagkanos G. A. Koumanakos E., Georgopoulos A. and C. Siriopoulos (2012), “Prediction of Greek takeover targets via Bootstrapping on Mixed Logit Model” Review of Accounting and Finance. Vol. 11(3), 315 – 334.
- Xidias E., Nearchou A.C. and Aspragathos N., “Integrating path planning, routing and scheduling for logistics operations in manufacturing facilities”, Cybernetics and Systems, 43/3. 143-162, 2012.
- Zacharia P. and Nearchou A.C. “Multi-Objective Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23/3, 615-627, 2012.
- Ανδρουλάκης, Γ., Λαπαναΐτη, Α., Μαρούδας, Λ., Οικονομάκης, Γ. (2012), «Επαγγελματική αυτονομία και συλλογικές διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων στα ελληνικά πανεπιστήμια», Επιθεώρηση Διοικητικής Επιστήμης, Νο 18, σελ.37-54.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Γιώργος Παπαλεξίου, «Εξωτερικές περιβαλλοντικές επιβαρύνσεις, νεοκλασική και μαρξιστική ανάλυση: μια θεώρηση», Θέσεις, τ. 120, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2012, σελ. 101-123.
- Bozionelos N. and Polychroniou P. (2011), “Internal Labor Markets: Dying or Transforming into Internal Career Networks?”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 25 (3), pp. 82-84.
- Bozionelos N., Bozionelos G., Kostopoulos K. and Polychroniou P. (2011), “How Providing Mentoring Relates to Career Success and Organizational Commitment: A Study in the General Managerial Population”, Career Development International, 16 (5), pp. 446-468.
- D. Kalles, A. Papagelis, Y.C. Stamatiou: Consolidating a Heuristic for Incremental Decision Tree Learning through asymptotic Analysis. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 20(1): 29-52 (2011).
- H. Antonopoulou, N. Glinos, and Y. C. Stamatiou. An identity derived from the solution of a class of differential equations for the evolution of a key agreement protocol. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Taylor & Francis Group and TARU publications, Vol 14, No. 6, pp. 515–520, 2011.
- John Milios and George Economakis, “The Middle Classes, Class Places, and Class Positions: A Critical Approach to Nicos Poulantzas’s Theory”, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 23. Num. 2 (April 2011), pp. 226-245.
- John Milios e George Economakis, “Classe operária e classes médias: situação de classe e posição de classe. (Uma abordagem crítica da teoria de classes de Nicos Poulantzas), Crítica Marxista, No 32, 2011, pp. 57-84.
- Meliou, E., Maroudas, L. (2011), “Career Development in the Hospitality Industry in Greece. Implications for Human Resource Practices”, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 10, No 2, pp. 218-233.
- Nearchou A.C., “Maximizing production rate and workload smoothing in assembly lines using particle swarm optimization”, Int. Journal of Production Economics, 129/2, 242-250, 2011.
- P. Kammas, C. Manolopoulos, and Y.C. Stamatiou, Modelling of Long Term Viability of Financial Agents Based on their Short Range Economic Behaviour. Global Business & Economics Anthology Volume II, Issue 1, pp. 159-171, December 2011.
- Petropoulos D.I. and Nearchou A.C., “A particle swarm optimization algorithm for balancing assembly lines”, Assembly Automation, 31/2, 118–129, 2011.
- Technology and economic fluctuations in the US food sector (1958-2006): An empirical approach from a political economy perspective International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 140 – 164, 2011 (Papageorgiou T., Michaelides P. G., Milios J. G.).
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- Γιώργος Η. Οικονομάκης, «Τρόποι παραγωγής και κοινωνικές τάξεις στη γεωργία», Signum, Εκδόσεις Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου, Περίοδος β', Τεύχος 1/2011, σελ. 51-85.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Οικονομική κρίση στην Ελλάδα και ΕΕ: Η κρίση του εξωστρεφούς μοντέλου ανάπτυξης του ελληνικού καπιταλισμού», Ουτοπία, τ. 96, Σεπτέμβριος - Οκτώβριος 2011, σελ. 79-87.
- Apostolopoulou, A., & Papadimitriou, D., (2010). Meanings and functions in Olympic consumption: A study of the Athens 2004 Olympic licensed products. European Sport Management Quarterly, 10(4): 485-507.
- Business cycles synchronization and clustering in Europe (1960–2009), Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 62, No.4, pp. 419–470, 2010 (Papageorgiou T., Michaelides P. G., Milios J. G.).
- Elisavet Konstantinou, Aristides Kontogeorgis, Yannis C. Stamatiou, Christos D. Zaroliagis: On the Efficient Generation of Prime-Order Elliptic Curves. Journal of Cryptology 23(3): 477-503 (2010).
- G. Alexandris and I. Giannikos, “A New Model for Maximal Coverage Exploiting GIS Capabilities”, European Journal of Operational Research 202/2, 328-338, 2010
- George E. Economakis and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Why Did Scarcity Triumph Over Technology in Ricardo’s Thinking?” Bulletin of Political Economy, 4:2 (2010), pp. 109-128.
- George Economakis, “Differential Rent, Market Values and ‘False’ Social Value: Some Implications”, Critique, Vol. 38, Num. 2, May 2010, pp. 253-266.
- George Economakis, Alexis Anastasiadis and Maria Markaki, “US economic performance from 1929 to 2008 in terms of the Marxian theory of crises, with some notes on recent financial crisis”, Critique, Vol. 38, Num. 3, August 2010, pp. 465-487.
- George Economakis, Yorgos Rizopoulos & Dimitrios Sergakis, “Patterns of corruption”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. XIIΙ – 2010, No 2, pp. 11-31.
- Ioakimidis, M. and Myloni, B. (2010) “Good Fences Make Good Classes: Greek Tertiary Students’ Preferences for Instructor Teaching Method”, International Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 290-308
- Karayanni D. (2010), "A Cluster Analysis of Physician’s Values, Prescribing Behaviour and Attitudes towards Firms’ Marketing Communications", International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 4, October, 62-79.
- Kyriakidou, O., Maroudas, L. (2010), “Training and Development in British Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure SMEs”, Managing Leisure, An International Journal, Vol. 15, Nos 1 & 2, pp. 32-47.
- Meliou, E., Maroudas, L. (2010), «Understanding Tourism Development. A Representational Approach”, Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, Vol.5, No 2, pp. 115-127.
- Meliou, E., Maroudas, L., Goulas, K., and Chelidonis, G. (2010), “The Mental Health Treatment Team: Are Men or Women Better Team Players?”, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 29, No 8, pp. 799-814.
- Nearchou A.C. “Scheduling with controllable processing times and compression costs using population-based heuristics”, Int. Journal of Production Research,, 48/23, 7043–7062, 2010.
- Tsagkanos G. A. (2010), “Detecting mergers and acquisitions effects on performance, efficiency and productivity with Bootstrap Mixed Logit approach. Evidence from Greece.” Applied Economics Quarterly. Vol. 56 (4), 317-342.
- Tsagkanos G. A. and D. P. Koumanakos. (2010), “Performance Measurement in the Greek context: Evidence from Different Corporate Settings” E – Book series: Research topics in Agricultural and Applied Economics (Volume 1).
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Κρίση και ελληνική οικονομία», Περιεκτική Δημοκρατία, τ. 22, Καλοκαίρι-Φθινόπωρο 2010, σελ. 127-140.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, Μάνια Μαρκάκη, Αλέξης Αναστασιάδης και Γιώργος Παπαλεξίου, «ΗΠΑ – Ελλάδα: Όψεις της καπιταλιστικής κρίσης», επαναστατική Μαρξιστική Επιθεώρηση, Νοέμβριος 2010, Τρίτη Περίοδος, Νο 1, σελ. 19-42.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Τίνα Ζορμπαλά, ΒΙΒΛΙΟΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ, «Γιώργος Σταμάτης: Ο Νεοφιλελεύθερος Εναγκαλισμός του Πανεπιστημίου, Εκδόσεις ΚΨΜ, Αθήνα 2008», Θέσεις, τ. 112, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2010 σελ. 161-184.
- Giannikos I. and Polychroniou P. (2009), “A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Task Allocation in Teamwork”, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 9 (1), pp. 97-115.
- Giannikos I. and P. Polychroniou “A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Task Allocation in Teamwork”, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 9/1, 97-115, 2009.
- Giannikos I., “A fuzzy goal programming model for demand covering”, TOP-Journal of the Spanish OR Society, doi.10.1007/S11750-009-0119-y, 2009.
- Harzing, A.W.K., Myloni, B. & 21 co-authors (2009) “Ranking versus rating: what is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?”, International Business Review, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp: 418-432
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- Lapatsioras, S., Maroudas, L., Michaelides, P., Milios, J. and Sotiropoulos, P. (2009), “On the Character of the Current Economic Crisis”, Radical Notes, Electronic Journal, April, 20 pages, (Μετά από πρόσκληση).
- N. Mastroyannis, B. Boutsinas and I. Giannikos, “A method for improving the accuracy of data mining classification algorithms”, Computers and Operations Research 36/10, 2829-2839, 2009.
- N. Mastroyannis, B. Boutsinas, I. Giannikos and G. Antzoulatos, “A new classification methodology based on ELECTRE I method and Data Mining classification techniques”, Journal of the Operational Research Society 60, 1085-1095, 2009.
- Nearchou A.C., Evolutionary robotics: from algorithms to implementations (Book review) in Industrial Robot Journal, Vol. 36, Issue 5, 2009.
- Omirou S. and Nearchou A.C., “An epitrochoidal pocket—A new canned cycle for CNC milling machines”, Journal of Robotics and Computed Integrated Manufacturing, 25/1, 73-80, 2009.
- P. Kammas, T. Komninos, and Y.C. Stamatiou, Queuing theory based models for studying intrusion evolution and elimination in computer networks, Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS), Special Issue on Intrusion and Malware Detection, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 200-208, June 2009.
- P. Mitropoulos, E. Adamides, I. Giannikos and I. Mitropoulos “Developing an Integrated Solid Waste Management System using Exact and Heuristic Approaches: an Application in Western Greece”, International Transactions in Operational Research 16/3, 275-409, 2009.
- P. Mitropoulos, E. Adamides, I. Giannikos and I. Mitropoulos “Exact and Heuristic Approaches for the Locational Planning of an Integrated Solid Waste Management System”, Operational Research: an International Journal 9/3, 329-347, 2009.
- P. Polychroniou and I.Giannikos, “A fuzzy multicriteria decision making methodology for personnel selection in a Greek private bank”, Career Development International 14/4, 372-387, 2009.
- Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A., (2009). Olympic sponsorship activation and the creation of competitive advantage. Journal Promotion Management, 15(1-2) : 90-118.
- Polychroniou P. (2009), “What about HRM?”, Advances in Management, 2 (3), pp. 3-4.
- Polychroniou P. (2009), “Styles of Managing Interdepartmental Conflict across various conflict fields”, Advances in Management, 2 (5), pp. 22-26.
- Polychroniou P. and Giannikos I. (2009), “Α Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making methodology for Selection of Human Resources in a Greek private bank”, Career Development International, 14 (4), pp. 372-387.
- Polychroniou P. (2009), “Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership of Supervisors: The impact on Team Effectiveness”, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 15 (7), pp. 343-356.
- Tsagkanos G. A. (2009), “Average Treatment Effect Estimators – Inefficiency – Minimization of Variance” International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1 – 8.
- Valachis, I., Christou, E., Sigala, M., Maroudas, L. (2009), “Developing Human Resources’ Skills and Knowledge in Tourism and Hospitality Industry through the Determination of Quality of Training Programs”, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol. 15, No 1, pp. 61- 72.
- Xidias E., Nearchou A.C. and Aspragathos N., “Vehicle scheduling in 2D shop floor environments”, Industrial Robot, 36/2, 176-183, 2009.
- Γκιζάρη, Χ., Κυριακίδου, Ο., Μαρούδας, Λ. (2009), «Η διαπολιτισμική ομαδική συνεργασία υπό το πρίσμα της ταυτότητας των μελών της ομάδας», Επιθεώρηση Διοικητικής Επιστήμης, Νο 15, σελ.1-18.
- Μαρούδας Λ., Κυριακίδου Ο. (2009), «Η Εφαρμογή της Νέας Δημόσιας Διοίκησης στα Πανεπιστήμια: Από την Επαγγελματική Γραφειοκρατία προς Νέες Οργανωσιακές Μορφές», Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, 130Γ΄, σελ. 93-121.
- C. Manolopoulos, A. Panagiotaki, D. Sofotasios, P. Spirakis, and Y. Stamatiou. The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Internet-based eVoting System. 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2008), 2008.
- Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos and George Economakis, “Trade Unions and the Wages Fund Theory: on the Significance of Mill’s Recantation and Some Notes on Marx’s theoretical Intervention”, History of Economic Ideas, XVI/2008/3, pp 21-48.
- E. Adamides, I. Giannikos, P. Mitropoulos and I. Mitropoulos “A Multi-methodological Approach to the Development of a Regional Waste Management System”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60, 758-770, 2008.
- E. Makri and Y.C. Stamatiou. An Interactive, Similarity Increasing Algorithm for Random Strings with Applications to Key Agreement in ad hoc Networks. Studies in Applied Mathematics. Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 141-155, 2008.
- G. Alexandris, M. Dimopoulou and I. Giannikos “A Three Phase Methodology for Developing or Evaluating Bank Networks ”, International Transactions in Operational Research 15/2, 215-237, 2008.
- G. Anastassopoulos, C. Georgiou, L. Maroudas (2008), “Location Attractiveness for Foreign Direct Investment of EU new Member-Countries in Comparison with Old ones”, International Journal of Enterpreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 8, No 3, pp. 234-251.
- Karayanni, D. A. & Mylonakis J. (2008), “Buyer Satisfaction, Purchasing Decision and Relative Contribution of Promotion Tools for Olympic Products: The ATHENS 2004 Experience”, The Icfai Journal of Marketing Management, vol.VII, No 1, 6-14
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- N. Glinos and Y.C. Stamatiou. On the equivalence between random graph models. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Science & Cryptography, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 405-419, Taylor & Francis Group and TARU publications, 2008.
- Nearchou A.C. “A differential evolution approach for the common due date early/tardy job scheduling problem², Computers & Operations Research, 35, 1329-1343, 2008.
- Nearchou A.C. “Multi-objective balancing of assembly lines by population heuristics², Int. Journal of Production Research, 46/8, 2275-2297, 2008.
- Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A., Doynis, T. (2008). Event sponsorship as a value creating strategy for brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(4) : 212-222.
- Papadimitriou, D., & Gibson H. (2008). Benefits sought and realized by active mountain sport tourists in Epirus, Greece: Pre- and Post-Trip analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 13 (1): 37-60.
- Polychroniou P. (2008), “Styles of Handling Conflict in Greek organizations: The impact of Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence”, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 13 (1), pp.52-67.
- Polychroniou P. (2008), “Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation in modern organizations: A critical analysis”, Advances in Management, 1 (3), pp. 9-12.
- Polychroniou P. (2008), “Human Resources Management Theory and Practice: The impact on modern organizations”, Advances in Management, 1 (4), pp. 16-19.
- Tsagkanos G. A., Georgopoulos A., Koumanakos D. and E. Koumanakos (2008), “Corporate Failure Risk Assessment of Greek Companies”, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management,Vol 9, Nos. ½, 5 – 14.
- Tsagkanos G. A., Georgopoulos A., Siriopoulos C. and E. P. Koumanakos (2008), “Identification of Greek takeover targets and coherent policy implications”, Review of Development Economics, 12(1), 180 – 192.
- Tsagkanos G. A. (2008), “The Bootstrap Maximum Likelihood Estimator : The case of Logit”, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 4, 209 – 212.
- Γιάννης Μηλιός και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Για τον ταξικό προσδιορισμό της εργατικής και της νέας μικροαστικής τάξης: μια απάντηση», Θέσεις, τ. 105, Οκτώβριος – Δεκέμβριος 2008, σελ. 15-31.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ζητήματα (κριτικής της) Πολιτικής Οικονομίας (Με αφορμή το: S. A. Resnick & R. D. Wolff, Ταξική θεωρία και ιστορία: Καπιταλισμός και Σοσιαλισμός στην ΕΣΣΔ)», ΜΕΡΟΣ Α΄, Θέσεις, τ. 102, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2008 σελ. 131-157.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ζητήματα (κριτικής της) Πολιτικής Οικονομίας (Με αφορμή το: S. A. Resnick & R. D. Wolff, Ταξική θεωρία και ιστορία: Καπιταλισμός και Σοσιαλισμός στην ΕΣΣΔ)», ΜΕΡΟΣ Β΄, Θέσεις τ. 103, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2008, σελ. 123-162.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, Λεωνίδας Μαρούδας και Ολίβια Κυριακίδου, «Το ‘νέο’ δημόσιο πανεπιστήμιο: όψεις των ακαδημαϊκών και οργανωσιακών αλλαγών στην ευρωπαϊκή και στην ελληνική δημόσια ανώτατη εκπαίδευση», Ουτοπία, τ. 78, Ιανουάριος - Φεβρουάριος 2008, σελ. 17-36.
- Δημήτρης Π. Σωτηρόπουλος και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Εργατικά συνδικάτα και θεωρίες των μισθών: Η περίπτωση του Mill και του Marx», Το Βήμα των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, Τόμος ΙΓ’, τ. 52, Καλοκαίρι 2008, σελ. 27-56.
- Οικονομάκης Γ., Μαρούδας Λ. και Κυριακίδου Ο. (2008), «Το “νέο” δημόσιο Πανεπιστήμιο: όψεις των ακαδημαϊκών και οργανωσιακών αλλαγών στην ευρωπαϊκή και στην ελληνική δημόσια ανώτατη εκπαίδευση», Ουτοπία, Νο 78, σελ. 17-36.
- A.C. Kaporis, L.M. Kirousis, Y.C. Stamatiou, M. Vamvakari, and M. Zito, The unsatisfiability threshold revisited, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 155, pp. 1525-1538, Elsevier, 2007.
- Botsaris C. and A. Tsagkanos (2007), “Growth and Volatility in the European Union: a linear or non – parametric approach?”, Applied Economics Letters, 14, 65 – 69.
- E. Konstantinou, Y.C. Stamatiou, and C. Zaroliagis, Efficient generation of secure elliptic curves, International Journal of Information Security, 6(1): 47-63, 2007.
- E.C. Laskari, G.C. Meletiou, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M.N. Vrahatis, Applying evolutionary computation methods for the cryptanalysis of Feistel ciphers, Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(1): 63-72, Elsevier, 2007.
- E.C. Laskari, G.C. Meletiou, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M.N. Vrahatis. Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Through Computational Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), Vol. 57, Springer-Verlag, pp. 1–49, 2007.
- E.C. Laskari, G.C. Meletiou, Y.C. Stamatiou, D.K. Tasoulis, and M.N. Vrahatis, Assessing the Effectiveness of Artificial Neural Networks on Problems Related to Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 46, Issues 1-2, 174-179, Elsevier, 2007.
- George Economakis, DEBATE: “Economic Base, Social Classes and Superstructure: Some critical remarks on Stephen A. Resnick & Richard D. Wolff’s, Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR, New York & London, Routledge, 2002”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. X – 2007, No. 2, pp. 93-112.
- George Economakis, “Some thoughts on the Law of Demand and Supply in Labour (Classical and Marxian) Theory of Value”, Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge (2007, pp. 153-164).
- George Economakis, Maria Markaki and Panayotis Michaelides, “The Greek oil tanker fleet in the middle east”, Journal of Transport and Shipping (Aegean Working Papers), Issue 4, December 2007, pp. 21-39.
- M. Dimopoulou and I. Giannikos, “The Effects of Variations of the Demand Space Definition on the Demand Covering Models” Studies in Location Analysis, 16, 33-64, 2007
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.K and Mirza, H.R. (2007) “The effect of corporate-level organisational factors on the transfer of human resource management practices: European and US MNCs and their Greek subsidiaries”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 18, Issue 12, pp: 2057-2074.
- Nearchou A.C. “Balancing large assembly lines by a new heuristic based on differential evolution method”, Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 34, 1016-1029, 2007.
- Omirou S. and Nearchou A.C., “A CNC Machine Tool Interpolator for surfaces of cross sectional design", Journal of Robotics and Computed Integrated Manufacturing, 23/2, 257-264, 2007.
- Papadimitriou, D., (2007). Conceptualizing effectiveness in a non-profit organizational environment: An exploratory study, International Journal of Public Sector Management. Emerald Publications. 20, 6(7): 571-587.
- S. Antonopoulou, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M. Vamvakari. An asymptotic expansion for the q-binomial series using singularity analysis for generating functions. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 313-328, 2007.
- T. Komninos, P. Spirakis, Y.C. Stamatiou, G. Vavitsas. A worm propagation model based on scale free network structures and people’s email acquaintance profiles. IJCSNS - International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 7 No. 2 pp. 308-315, 2007.
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- Tsagkanos G. A., Georgopoulos A. and C. Siriopoulos (2007), “Predicting Greek Mergers and Acquisitions : A new approach”, International Journal of Financial Services Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2007.
- Γιάννης Μηλιός και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Εργατική τάξη και μεσαίες τάξεις: ταξική θέση και ταξική τοποθέτηση. (Μια κριτική προσέγγιση στη θεωρία των κοινωνικών τάξεων του Νίκου Πουλαντζά)», Θέσεις, τ. 99, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2007, σελ. 19-55.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Φίλιππος Μπούρας, «Ο κοινωνικοοικονομικός και πολιτικός ρόλος των μικροϊδιοκτητών αγροτών στη Γαλλία των μέσων του 19ου αιώνα: Σημείωμα πάνω στη μαρξική ανάλυση και πλευρές της θεωρητικής της αξιοποίησης από τον Νίκο Πουλαντζά», Θέσεις, τ. 99, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2007, σελ. σελ. 57-89.
- A. Kaporis, L. Kirousis, and Y.C. Stamatiou, How to prove conditional randomness using the Principle of Deferred Decisions, Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics, Oxford University Press, New York, 179-194, 2006.
- George Economakis, “On Absolute Rent: Reply”, Science & Society, Vol. 70, No. 3, July 2006, pp. 366-370.
- Girginov, V. Papadimitriou, D; Lσpez De D'Amico, R (2006). Cultural Orientation of Sport Managers. European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(1): 35-66.
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- L.M. Kirousis, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M. Zito, The unsatisfiability threshold conjecture: the techniques behind upper bound improvements, Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics, Oxford University, pages 159-178, 2006.
- Nearchou A.C. and Omirou S., “Differential evolution for sequencing and scheduling optimization², Journal of Heuristics, 12/6, 395-411, 2006.
- Nearchou A.C. ²Meta-heuristics from nature for the loop layout design problem², Int. Journal of Production Economics, 101/2, 312-328, 2006.
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- Tsagkanos G. A., Georgopoulos A. and C. Siriopoulos (2006), “Predicting takeover targets: new evidence from a small open economy”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. Issue 4.
- Y. Rizopoulos and L. Maroudas (2006), “The post-socialist Russian Firm and the explicative power of the economic theories of organisation”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. IX, No 2, pp. 33-52.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Δημήτρης Π. Σωτηρόπουλος «Οι μισθοί στον Μαρξ: Μια διερεύνηση της μαρξικής προβληματικής στο Κεφάλαιο», Θέσεις, τ. 95, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2006, σελ. 109-125.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, Λεωνίδας Μαρούδας και Ολίβια Κυριακίδου, «Το ελληνικό Πανεπιστήμιο στην εποχή των νεοφιλελεύθερων εκπαιδευτικών μεταρρυθμίσεων», Θέσεις, τ. 94, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2006, σελ. 25-66.
- D. Koukopoulos and Y.C. Stamatiou, A Watermarking Scheme for MP3 Audio Files, International Journal of Signal Processing (IJSP), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 206-213, 2005.
- E.C. Laskari, G.C. Meletiou, Y.C. Stamatiou and M.N. Vrahatis, Evolutionary computation based cryptanalysis: A first study, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, Volume 63, Issues 5-7, e823-e830, Elsevier, 2005.
- George Economakis, “Definition of the Capitalist Mode of Production: A Re-examination (with application to non-capitalist modes of production)”, History of Economics Review, No. 42 (Summer 2005), pp. 12-28.
- Harzing, A.W.K., Myloni, B. & 28 co-authors (2005) “Does the use of English-language questionnaires in cross-national research obscure national differences”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp: 213-224.
- Karayanni, D. A. & Avlonitis, G. J. (2005), “The Use of Internet in Business-to- Business Marketing: Demographic Characteristics and Intercorrelations among Internet Marketing Variables from American and European Companies” Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 10, 3, Dec.
- Koutoulas, D. (2005). Operational and Financial Characteristics of Convention and Visitors Bureaux. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. Vol. 7, No. 3-4, 139-156 [ISSN: 1547-0148].
- L. Maroudas and P. Tsartas (2005), “Alternative Tourism and Regional Development in Greece: Management and Policy Issues”, The Journal of Management Sciences and Regional Development, Issue 5, pp. 57-83.
- Panayotis G. Michaelides, George E. Economakis, and Dimitris Lagos, “Clustering Analysis Methodology for Employment and Regional Planning in Greece”, IASME Transactions, issue 5, vol. 2, July 2005, pp. 750-757.
- Panayotis G. Michaelides, Athena Roboli, George Economakis and John Milios, “The Determinants of Investment Activity in Greece (1960-99)”, Aegean Working Papers (Journal of Transport and Shipping), Issue 3 (December) 2005, pp. 23-45.
- Polychroniou P. (2005), “Styles of handling Interdepartmental Conflict and Effectiveness”, Current Topics in Management, 10, pp. 263-273.
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- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Σκέψεις πάνω στο θεωρητικό προσδιορισμό της εργατικής τάξης», Θέσεις, τ. 90, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2005, σελ. 93-126.
- Apostolopoulou, A., & D. Papadimitriou (2004). “Wecome Home”: Motivations and objectives of the 2005 National Grand Olympic Sponsors. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 13, 180-192.
- G. Anastassopoulos, L. Maroudas and Y. Rizopoulos (2004), “An Empirical Assessment of Sectoral Determinants of FDI in the Transition Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, (International Review of Economics and Business), Vol. 51, No 4, pp. 589-608.
- George E. Economakis and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Modes of Production, Commodity and Money: A plan of study”, Journal of Applied Economics and Management, Institute of Economics & Finance – Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Vol. 2, Num. 1 (2004), pp. 93-118.
- George Economakis and John Milios, “‘Third Persons’ and Reproduction: A Note to R. Luxemburg’s Critique of Marx’s Reproduction Schemes”, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 16, Num. 2, April 2004, pp. 215-224.
- Karteroliotis, K. & D. Papadimitriou, (2004). Confirmatory factor analysis of the sport organizational effectiveness scale. Psychological Reports, 95, 366-370.
- L. Maroudas, D. Gouvis and A. Kyriakaki (2004), “A Community Approach to Mountain Adventure Tourism Development”, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 15, No 1, pp. 5-18.
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.K and Mirza, H.R. (2004) “Host country specific factors and the transfer of Human Resource Management practices in Multinational companies”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 25, Issue 6, pp: 518-534.
- Myloni, B.; Harzing, A.W.K and Mirza, H.R. (2004) “Human Resource Management in Greece: Have the colours of culture faded away?”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp: 59-76.
- Nearchou A.C. “A novel metaheuristic approach for the flow-shop scheduling problem”, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 17/3, 289-300, 2004.
- Nearchou A., "Flow-shop sequencing using hybrid simulated annealing”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 15, 317-328, 2004.
- Nearchou A.C., "The effect of various operators on the genetic search for large scheduling problems". Int. Journal of Production Economics, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 191-203, 2004.
- Panayotis G. Michaelides, George E. Economakis, John G. Milios, Leonidas Maroudas and Vassilis Aggelis, “Growth and Technological Change in the Russian Economy: A contribution to the investigation of Russia’s economic crisis”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. VII – 2004, No 2, pp. 39-62.
- P. Michaelides, G. Economakis, J. Milios, L. Maroudas, and V. Aggelis, (2004), “Growth and Technological Change in the Russian Economy: A Contribution to the Investigation of Russia’s Economic Crisis”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. VII, No 2, pp. 39-62.
- P.E. Nastou and Y.C. Stamatiou, An on chip, CAST-128 based block cipher with dynamically reconfigurable s-boxes generated in parallel. Volume on Embedded Cryptographic Hardware: Methodologies & Architectures, Nova Publishers, 135-152, 2004.
- Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A., & H. Loukas, (2004). The role of perceived fit in fans’ evaluation of sports brand extensions. The International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship, 6 (1). 31-48. USA International Marketing Reports Publications.
- Δημήτρης Μπελαντής και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Πολιτική Βία, Ηγεμονία και Πάλη των Τάξεων: Μια κριτική θεώρηση του ‘Αριστερή Τρομοκρατία, Δημοκρατία και Κράτος’, των Ηλία Ιωακείμογλου και Σώτης Τριανταφύλλου (εκδ. Πατάκη, Αθήνα 2003)», Μέρος Δεύτερο: «Αριστερά, κράτος και δημοκρατία», Ουτοπία τ. 58, Ιανουάριος - Φεβρουάριος 2004, σελ. 163-184.
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- George Economakis, “On Absolute Rent: Theoretical Remarks on Marx’s Analysis”, Science & Society, Vol. 67, No. 3, Fall 2003, pp. 339-348.
- George E. Economakis, Maria S. Markaki, Panayotis G. Michaelides, John G. Milios, Athena Belegri-Roboli and Athanasia Th. Xenaki, “The ex-Soviet and Russian Tanker and Cargo Fleet’s Magnitude (1975-2001)”, East - West: journal of economics and business, Vol. VI – 2003, No. 2, pp. 89-122.
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- L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, and Y.C. Stamatiou, Locating Information with Uncertainty in Fully Interconnected Networks: The Case of Non-Distributed Memory, NETWORKS 42, Issue 3, 169-180, 2003.
- Lionarakis, A., & D. Papadimitriou, (2003). The quality of the learning experience: a comparative study between open distance and conventional education. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, April 4(2), http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr.
- S. Armeni, D. Christodoulakis, I. Kostopoulos, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M. Xenos, Secure information hiding based on computationally intractable problems. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography Vol. 6, No. 1, 21-33, April 2003.
- Y.C. Stamatiou, Threshold Phenomena: The Computer Scientist’s Viewpoint, EATCS (European Association of Theoretical Computer Science) Bulletin 80, 199-234, June 2003.
- Βλάχου, Α., & Δ. Παπαδημητρίου, (2003). "Η διαδικασία της ένταξης ως μέσο βελτίωσης του σχολείου: Αναφορά στην εφαρμογή συγκεκριμένων δεικτών ποιότητας". Παιδαγωγική Επιθεώρηση, 37, 105-123.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Δημήτρης Π. Σωτηρόπουλος, «Εμπόρευμα και Χρήμα: Ο Μαρξ αντιμέτωπος με τους κλασσικούς», Θέσεις, τ. 84, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2003, σελ. 109-135.
- Δημήτρης Μπελαντής και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Πολιτική Βία, Ηγεμονία και Πάλη των Τάξεων: Μια κριτική θεώρηση του ‘Αριστερή Τρομοκρατία, Δημοκρατία και Κράτος’, των Ηλία Ιωακείμογλου και Σώτης Τριανταφύλλου (εκδ. Πατάκη, Αθήνα 2003)», Μέρος Πρώτο: «‘Τρομοκρατία’, πόλεμος και ‘εμπόλεμοι’», Ουτοπία τ. 57, Νοέμβριος - Δεκέμβριος 2003, σελ. 153-167.
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- Jannis Milios & Georg Economakis, «Zur Entwicklung der Krisentheorie aus dem Kontext der Reproduktionsschemata bei Tugan-Baranovskij und Bucharin» [«Η ανάπτυξη της Θεωρίας των Κρίσεων με βάση το Πλαίσιο των Αναπαραγωγικών σχημάτων από τον Τουγκάν-Μπαρανόφσκι και τον Μπουχάριν»]. Διεθνής επιστημονική συνάντηση με τίτλο Neue Erkenntnisse zum Kapital [Νέα Συμπεράσματα αναφορικά με το Κεφάλαιο], Ελεύθερο Πανεπιστήμιο Βερολίνου. Διοργάνωση Berliner Verein zur Forderung der MEGA-Edition e.V., Σεπτέμβριος 2000. Δημοσίευση in Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, September 2002, pp. 160-184.
- L. Maroudas and Y. Rizopoulos (2002), “The Russian Firm’s Organizational Links and Behaviour”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. V, No 2, pp. 123-137.
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- Σπύρος Λαπατσιώρας και Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Εις μνήμην…», Θέσεις, τ. 79, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2002, σελ. 11-51.
- A.C. Kaporis, L.M. Kirousis, and Y.C. Stamatiou, A note on the non-colorability threshold of a random graph, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 7, #R29, 2000.
- A.C. Kaporis, L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, Y.C. Stamatiou and E.C. Stavropoulos, Locating Information with Uncertainty in Fully Interconnected Networks with Applications to World Wide Web Information Retrieval, Computer Journal 44, 221-229, 2001.
- D. Achlioptas, L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, M. S.O. Molloy, and Y.C. Stamatiou, Random Constraint Satisfaction: A More Accurate Picture, Constraints 6, 329-344, 2001.
- George Economakis, “Capitalist Mode of Production and Ground Rent: aspects of Marxist Theory starting from Smith and Ricardo’s Analysis”, Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, Dezember 2001, pp. 160-199.
- L. Maroudas and A. Kyriakaki (2001), «The Perspectives of Ecotourism Development in Small Islands of the South Dodecanese», Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 12, No 1, pp. 59-71.
- Leonidas Maroudas (2001), “Organizational Changes and Human Resource Management in Post-Soviet Industrial Enterprises (1990 – 1995)”, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. IV, No 1, pp. 51-70.
- L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, and Y.C. Stamatiou, Approximating the Unsatisfiability Threshold of Random Formulas, Random Structures and Algorithms 12, 253-269, 1998.
- L.M. Kirousis, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M. Vamvakari, Upper Bounds and Asymptotics for the -binomial Coefficients, Studies in Applied Mathematics 107, 43-62, 2001.
- N.D. Dendris, L.M. Kirousis, Y.C. Stamatiou, and D.M. Thilikos, On Parallel Partial Solutions and Approximation Schemes for Local Consistency in Networks of Constraints, Constraints 5, 251-273, 2000.
- Papadimitriou, D. (2001). “An exploratory examination of the prime beneficiary approach of effectiveness: The case of Greek elite athletes of Olympic and non-Olympic sports”. European Journal of Sport Management, 8: 63-83. Taylor & Francis Publications.
- S. Janson, Y.C. Stamatiou, and M. Vamvakari, Bounding the Unsatisfiability Threshold of Random 3-SAT, Random Structures and Algorithms 17, 103-116, 2000.
- Y.C. Stamatiou, Phase Transitions in Mathematics and in Physics: Two Faces of the same coin?, Carleton Journal of Computer Science 3, 57-69, 1999.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Μαρία Μαρκάκη, «Της Προσφοράς και της Ζήτησης. Τιμή και Κλαδική Ισορροπία στη Νεοκλασική Οικονομική Ανάλυση», Μέρος Ι: «Νόμος και τιμή», Θέσεις, τ. 75, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2001, σελ. 23-54.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Μαρία Μαρκάκη, «Της Προσφοράς και της Ζήτησης. Τιμή και Κλαδική Ισορροπία στη Νεοκλασική Οικονομική Ανάλυση», Μέρος ΙΙ: «Ευσταθής και ασταθής ισορροπία στη νεοκλασική ανάλυση», Θέσεις, τ. 76, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2001, σελ. 95-134.
- Παπαδημητρίου, Δ. (2001).“Οργανωτικό μέγεθος και αποτελεσματικότητα: Η διερεύνηση της σχέσης στις Ελληνικές Αθλητικές Ομοσπονδίες”. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία 2(1): 9-22.
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- Γιάννης Μηλιός, Γιώργος Οικονομάκης και Σπύρος Λαπατσιώρας, «Η Μαρξική Θεωρία της Αξίας», Θέσεις, τ. 73, Οκτώβριος - Δεκέμβριος 2000, σελ.57-88.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Mea Culpa (?)», Θέσεις τ.71, Απρίλιος - Ιούνιος 2000,σελ. 161-166.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Ερμηνείες του Καπιταλιστικού Συστήματος και Πολιτική Στρατηγική: Μια θεώρηση της Μ-Λ εκδοχής», Θέσεις, τ. 70, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2000, σελ. 35-115.
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Καπιταλιστικός Τρόπος Παραγωγής και Πρόσοδος της Γης: Όψεις της Μαρξικής Θεωρίας στο έδαφος της ανάλυσης των Σμιθ και Ρικάρντο», α΄ μέρος, Θέσεις, τ. 72, Ιούλιος - Σεπτέμβριος 2000, σελ. 113-133 .
- Γιώργος Οικονομάκης, «Καπιταλιστικός Τρόπος Παραγωγής και Πρόσοδος της Γης: Όψεις της Μαρξικής Θεωρίας στο έδαφος της ανάλυσης των Σμιθ και Ρικάρντο», β΄ μέρος, Θέσεις, τ. 73, Οκτώβριος - Δεκέμβριος 2000, σελ. 109-136.