Studying in the Department
Business Administration has the privilege of being a meeting point for various sciences, both from the field of social sciences and from that of quantitative sciences and information technology. Being at the crossroads of the sciences, it can only be broad and pluralistic, shaping young scientists, multifaceted, broad-minded, able to respond to the demanding conditions of the field. Given that the University is here to nurture, educate and create the conditions for critical thinking in young people, to promote science in the archetypal sense of the term, our Department is making the difference. By providing a modern and high quality curriculum with a variety of courses offered and covering practically the entire spectrum of Management Science, from Modern Management, to Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Analysis, Political Economy, Operational Research, Operations and Project Management, Production, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Quantitative Methods of Economic Analysis, Statistics and Econometrics, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce, Innovation and Security of Information Systems, Management Information Systems, Business Law, Sports Management and Tourism Management, we are confident that the student of our Department will be able to combine the enjoyment of knowledge and science with intellectual cultivation and scientific breadth. Having constantly as a compass the general model of the scientist, the "homo universalis" and the specific characteristics of the subject of Management Science, we are sure that we succeed better than any other Business Administration Department in Greece.